Music Poster 2

Filter Blur – Motion Blur
Filter – Stylize – Wind
I added multiple colours using soft brush on new layer.
Filter – Blur – Gaussian Blur
I selected pixels of the rectangle and then invert it to select the whole image except the frame.
Then I selected the Layer 1 and clicked delete.
I scaled the frame size to the greek statue, then I selected the bottom of the statue using rectangle marquee tool to delete it to go behind the frame.

Music Poster

I made a guide to measure going to view, create a new guide
In this one I used brush tool to paint the background of the poster.
For this one I went to Filter, distort and wave to make different types of effects.
I selected the part I want to use using selecting tool.

Pewter Style Metal Effect

These fotos are the images I use to make Pewter Style Metal Effect Poster.

This is the result I got.
I think I understand more about blending mode which I used for the background to find a perfect match that fits with everything.