Selection Tools

For this task, to make a rectangle, I hold the Shift key and dragged down using my mouse at the same time to keep the proportion, then you can make a perfect square.
To make a variation types of shapes I used Lasso Tool. After drew the shape, I clicked Delete.
To fill a space, go to edit, fill, select colour and pick a colour to fill the shape.
For this exercise, personally, keep layers organised to know which is go on the top and which is go to the bottom was quite challenging for me.
I thought that using elliptical tool to make interesting shape was very fun thing to learn.

Using magic tool, you can change the size of the tolerance.
The lower the number, the more sensitive it is. The higher the number, the less sensitive it is.

Cake Photo Comp

Table Scene

On this image, I used the pen tool to outline the whole part of the back wall to remove it by clicking delete after it was selected.
Here is an image of back wall removed.
This is an image of the cake removed from this image to transfer to another image.
I used pen tool.
This is an image of the cake transferred and nicely angled on the table.
This is the final image of the exercise.
When I try to manage between Shift key and Alt key were a bit difficult until get used to use them.
I really like the result I got at the end that I could see clearly every single elements that I transferred into an image.

Photoshop Basics

Pen Tool Exercise

This is the image of how I used pen tool to outline the letters PSD.
This is an image when I coloured the letters and removed the background.
For this task, I used pen tool to make the shapes of PSD letters. Then, I clicked make selection to select all the shapes to change colours or to delete it.
This image is when I used fill tool to fill the letters in different colours.
This image is to create a negative space of PSD letters.

Direct selection tool: You can edit/move your line that you created using pen tool.