Media Player Icon

I made a new document with 420px X 420px. I used the Ellipse Tool to make a 400 X 400px circle and coloured it using the gradient tool.
I opened the Offset Path with -30px offset.
I selected the inner circle to change the colour to grey with a gradient. I opened Object>Path>Offset to open the offset and reduced the pixel to -20px.
For this one, I just changed the gradient angle to 90%, which created the shadow inside the circle.
I made a triangle shape using the Star Tool. The size is 100px Radius 1 and 50px Radius 2 and point 3. I rotated 90 degrees to the right pressing the Shift key. For the colour, I used the same colour as the outside blue but with the opposite angle to 90 degrees.
For this one, I made the same effect as the RSS logo. I changed the offset pixel to -10px and turned it in the opposite direction.

I draw a rectangle to cut the inner rectangle in half using a pathfinder. I opened the transparency and changed to screen mode which gives a nice shiny effect to the icon.

This is the final image of Media Player Icon.

Illustrator Tutorial 3 – RSS feed logo

Making Gradient.
Window -> Gradient, then add an orange fill that varies from dark to light vertically across the shape. 
Ellipse tool with 16pt black stroke. No fill
I used Direct Selection Tool and selected only the left and bottom points of the circle. Hit delete on the keyboard to trim the circle down to a quarter. 
I copied the first arrow using Command+ C and past using Command+F.
I pressed the shift key and scaled it down to keep everything tight. 
I used rules to scale everything together. The shortcut to show the ruler is Command+R.

I converted the strokes to complete shapes which you can see in the image on the right.

To group all the parts I pressed Command+G
For this task, I used the Ellipse tool to make an around shape on top of the square and I clicked the Intersect Shape Area in the Pathfinder. I Opened the transparency option in window and reduced the opacity to 15%.
This is the final image of RSS feed logo.