Mercedes Logo

First of all, I used the ellipse tool to make the circle. I used a start tool to make the green shape manage the three points by pressing the down arrow key, then to make each part longer, I press the command key and dragged it down with the mouse.

For this one, I made 2 copies of the circle and I choose the last bottom. I went to Object > Expand.

It made three layers (Compound Path, Path and Compound Path).

Delete the Path layer and ungroup it.

On this one, I made the gradient of the circle selecting each colour for each part.

I brought the “01” layer to the top. I put the stroke size to 2pt and expanded the stroke.

I opened the transparency panel and changed the Normal to Colour Dodge. I lowered the opacity to 60% then I added the radial blur effect.

For this one, I used the pen tool with the smart guide enabled. I connected three lines inside the star Mercedes shape. Selected the line and the shape and presses the divide option in Pathfinder.

To finish it, I coloured each piece as the tutorial and done!

This is my final image of the Mercedes Logo!

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